Sunday, January 5, 2014

Why not?

I have an idea.  I'm not sure how this is going to turn out, but I am going to give it a try.  2014 will be a financially challenging for my family because we will be moving from Georgia to California.  I have a hunch that if I make a commitment to 52 weeks of giving, then I will be so focused on my abundance that the stress of my finances will become less and less significant.  As I mentioned I money will be limited this year so I may have to get creative some weeks, but I know that I always have something to give to others.

I believe in my heart that the most significant way we can be fulfilled is to give.  I am a Christian and in my studies of the Bible I have found that it is my right and privilege to give to others.  It is something that we are commanded to do.  I like to give to help and support others,but in the past I have given at the level that was most comfortable for me.  This year my goal is to give enough to be uncomfortable. 

My hunch is that this financially stressful year will turn into an abundant year.  Full of more happiness than I could ever imagine possible.  That is a pretty big hunch and perhaps unrealistic, but based on my faith this is possible. 

Here goes....

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